Adrian M. Bekarev
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Galina S. Pak
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
The practice oriented approach in postgraduate education
Abstract. The practice-oriented approach implies a shift in emphasis from objective knowledge to operational knowledge. The focus is on a transition from depicting ways to obtain knowledge to acquiring them, from established knowledge to knowledge of ignorance. The formation of operational knowledge involves the use of technologies that answer the navigational model in education. The article aims to enunciate the philosophical basis of the practice-oriented approach in education and substantiate its efficiency for the course on the History and Philosophy of Science in postgraduate studies, referring to the ideas of the Russian philosopher Nina I. Martishina. Philosophical reflection as a universal intellectual operation suggests analyzing the three levels of objective reality of science, depicted by the Russian philosopher Mikhail B. Sapunov.
The results of the study. Philosophical knowledge, presented in the form of intellectual operations, becomes available for practical use, and the three levels of philosophical reflection on the objective reality of science substantiate the unity of the three aspects of the existence of science. Operational knowledge bases on using the navigation (or network model in education.
Discussions and conclusions. The results of the study give the basis for suggesting the “naviga-tional” model (Sergei A. Smirnov’s concept), or network model of education. The authors suggest two cases using a practice-oriented approach in the teaching of the History and Philosophy of Science.
Keywords: reflection, levels of philosophical reflection, operational character of knowledge, education models, navigational model of education, dialogue, knowledge about ignorance, self-seeking subject
DOI: 10.5840/dspl20192226
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